Tea, tisanes, infusions and blends
What are the diferences?



According to legend, the introduction of tea is due to the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung (2737 BC) who discovered the stimulating properties of the tea leaf by boiling leaves from a tree called Camellia sinensis. Although there are several previous records, with Lu Yu's treaty, written in the 16th century. VIII during the Tang dynasty helped immortalize China's role in introducing tea to the world.

The introduction of tea in Europe only took place at the beginning of the 20th century. XVII, by the Dutch, as a result of the trade that was then established between Europe and the East. Later, imports began to be developed by the British with the famous Tea English East Indian Company, which had a monopoly on the tea trade with Asia. In Portugal, tea has only been cultivated since the 19th century, on the island of São Miguel in the Azores.

What is tea?

The tea plant is called Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze and botanically belongs to the Theaceae family. It is from the Camellia sinensis plant that the various varieties of tea arise: white, yellow, green, oolong, black and dark. The difference between the varieties lies in the way each leaf is processed, which gives it a different flavor and color (characteristics of each one).
Technically, the word tea should only be attributed to infusions prepared from the Camellia sinensis plant. The tea plant is a rich source of polyphenols that protect against cardiovascular disease and its risk factors, including high blood pressure and dyslipidemia. Black tea is fully fermented and during this process the polyphenols are oxidized into pigments and may lose their antioxidant effects.

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What are tisanas?

Infusions or herbal teas are all infusions that include two or more varieties of plants in their preparation. The tisane can be prepared from different fruits or herbs. Leaf, flower and seed infusions are usually made using the infusion technique and bark, root and berry infusions are often prepared by decoctions.

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What are Blends?

The term blend derives from English and means mixing, in this case, mixing different types of infusions (from fruits, herbs or fruits and herbs), or mixing tea with fruits, spices and flowers, which are selected with criteria to create a drink. with aroma, body and special and balanced flavor. The term blend is used for a mixture of two or more ingredients to create an infusion.

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Drinks called tea or infusions have a set of vitalizing, relaxing, antioxidant properties, among others. A study published last year by the European Society of Cardiology found that tea can bring more benefits to the body than we imagined. According to researchers, habitual consumption of the drink is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death in general. The study, led by experts from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, concluded that drinking tea at least three times a week can result in a longer and healthier life.
Discover our collection of teas, tisanes and blends... and prepare a delicious cup for yourself!

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