Privacy policy and personal data

The Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter “LPDP”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, hereinafter “GDPR”) ensure the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
Under legal terms, "personal data" is considered to be any information, of any nature and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, so the protection does not cover the data of legal persons.

The website is operated by FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA., owner of the brand Petiscos & C.ª.Mediante a aceitação da presente Política de Privacidade o utilizador presta o seu consentimento informado, expresso, livre e inequívoco para que os dados pessoais fornecidos através do site are included in a file under the responsibility of FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA whose treatment under the terms of the LPDP and the RGPD complies with the appropriate technical and organizational security measures.
Under no circumstances will we carry out any of the following activities with the personal data provided to us through this website:
Assign to other persons or other entities, without the prior consent of the data subject;
Transfer outside the European Economic Area (EEA), without the prior consent of the data subject.

The provision of your personal data within the scope of the use of the Site implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained in this PP, which is complemented by its Terms and Conditions of Use, and also by our Cookies Policy.

1. Personal data

Under the terms of the RGPD, "Personal Data" shall be any and all "information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable natural person is considered to be identifiable, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference an identifier, such as a name, identification number, location data, electronic identifiers or one or more elements specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;" .

2. Persons responsible for processing personal data

The responsibility for the processing of personal data that may be transmitted in connection with the use of the Site, regardless of its nature or ownership, will always be with FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA.

However, in the context of processing the personal data of Buyers – natural or legal persons who use the Site to purchase products marketed by Sellers – FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. and the Sellers will act as Jointly Responsible, being responsible for reciprocally determining the purposes and means of such treatment, as well as delimiting, among themselves, and in a transparent manner, the respective responsibilities for compliance with the specifically applicable legislation, namely with regard to the exercise of the holders' rights.

Given that joint responsibility must be proportional to the intervention or influence of each of the co-responsible parties, co-responsibility for the processing of personal data of buyers, to be shared between FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. and SELLERS, will naturally be restricted to personal data that will be effectively processed by both parties in pursuit of the same purpose.

Specifically, there will be joint responsibility (between FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. and the VENDORS) regarding the following personal data of buyers:

  • First and last name – for the purpose of identifying buyers;
  • Address and postal code – for the purpose of sending the purchased products;
  • Email address – for risk management purposes and point of contact;
  • Telephone and/or mobile number – for contact purposes;
  • Tax identification number (NIF) – for tax purposes and commercial transaction operations, invoicing and payment.

Co-responsibility for the processing of personal data of buyers (between FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. and VENDORS) starts from the moment the buyer proceeds to pay for the selected product.

3. Collection and processing of personal data

The access and mere use of the Site by Users does not imply the collection or processing of any personal data. However, whenever the User creates an account on the Site, certain data will be collected, the nature of which varies depending on the purpose associated with it. The purposes underlying the collection and processing of data can be consulted in point 7 of this PP.

4. Transferências de dados pessoais

In the course of commercial activity, FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. can buy or sell certain assets. In this type of transaction, user information is typically one of the assets of the business that is transacted. In the case of an acquisition of the company, or its assets, user information is one of the assets that may be reviewed and transferred to the new entity. In that case personal data will be kept confidential, and the user will be notified before his information is transferred to the buyer or a new privacy policy applies.

5. Rights of the holders of personal data

Users of the Site are guaranteed, regardless of the quality with which they act, the right of access, rectification, withdrawal of consent, opposition to treatment for the previously defined purposes, deletion, limitation and portability of the personal data they have transmitted.

The rights of the aforementioned users may be exercised at any time, by simply sending the interested parties a written request to

Without prejudice to the aforementioned terms, users of the Site who have transmitted their personal data may also submit, whenever they deem it appropriate, a complaint to the National Control Authority (National Data Protection Commission - CNPD), whose contacts may be consulted on

6. Period of retention of personal data

Personal data collected and processed by FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. they will be kept for the entire period of time in which the registration of users on the Site remains active.

Once the user's registration on the Site is terminated, the personal data that he has transmitted to FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. they will be kept for up to 1 (one) year from that date, unless another retention period arises from the concretely applicable law.

However, the user of the Site may, at any time, request FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. the deletion of the personal data that you have transmitted.

7. Purposes associated with the collection and processing of personal data

The personal data provided in connection with the use of the Site will be processed and stored by computer in a database specifically created for this purpose and are mandatory to be supplied as they are necessary and indispensable for the fulfillment of the following purposes: carrying out the registration of Buyers and Sellers; access, use and enjoyment of the Site by them; execution of other purposes, including the provision of services to Buyers and Sellers, the execution of commercial transactions to be concluded between them, the commercial management of Buyers and Sellers, carrying out Marketing and sales operations, including sending information about new or current products, offers or other promotional actions; compliance with legal obligations in force (namely of a fiscal, administrative and judicial nature).

8. Security measures

FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. is committed to protecting the privacy of Site users. Thus, it resorts to security systems that guarantee that any and all personal data that may be transmitted to it by Users of the Site is properly stored and protected, preventing and preventing any unauthorized access to these elements, as well as their loss, disclosure, destruction or use beyond the purpose that justified its collection.

9. Cookie Policy

The Site uses Cookies, understood as text files that identify the User's computer on the server of FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. In this way, the Cookies used do not individually identify the User of the Site, and, to that extent, do not constitute a tool for collecting personal data. You can consult our Cookies Policy.

10. Changes to the Privacy Policy

FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. reserves the right to make any necessary changes to this PP. Whenever this happens, they will be published on the Site.

Last review date: 10/10/2022

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