Buyer and seller

The purchase and sale of Articles at Petiscos&Companhia is entered into directly between Buyer and Seller under the following terms:

1. In accordance with the general and specific conditions of sale, the seller advertises the Articles so that the Buyer can find out about their characteristics, price including taxes and fees, shipping costs and delivery time.

2. The Buyer selects the Item(s) he intends to buy and, after confirming that he is aware of and accepts these Conditions, he immediately places his order, at which time he pays the respective price.

3. The order is immediately sent to the Buyer by email.

4. As soon as the order is confirmed or declined by the Seller, an email message is sent to the Buyer to inform him of the feasibility or otherwise of his order.

5. Once the order is confirmed, the Seller is obliged to ship it within the established period and conditions.

6. It is expressly forbidden for the Seller to place any identifying content of his store, branch or any form of commercial representation, inside the package or attached to it, with the exception of the mandatory identifying elements of the invoice, namely store promotion coupons, coupons 7. The products are delivered to the address indicated by the Buyer, with the exception that if the address does not correspond to a ground floor, the delivery is made at ground floor level, with the parties agreeing, in a free and clear manner, that under no circumstances may the Purchaser demand delivery of the Article purchased on upper or lower floors. or any advertising elements.

7. The products are delivered to the address indicated by the Buyer, with the exception that if the address does not correspond to a ground floor, the delivery is made at ground floor level, with the parties agreeing, in a free and clear manner, that under no circumstances may the Purchaser demand delivery of the Article purchased on upper or lower floors.

8. The Buyer acknowledges and accepts in a free, clear and thoughtful way that in case of impossibility of delivery of the Article at the address indicated by him because no one can be found who can receive the same, new postage may be charged in the same amount as initially charged , the Buyer committing to the immediate payment of such amount as soon as requested.

9. The Buyer understands and accepts that in the event of a computer, typographical, manual, technical error or any other error that leads to the indication of an incorrect sale price (either by excess or by default) and unsuitable for the product in question by reference a Items of the same type and available on the market, the order will be canceled (even if it has already been confirmed) and the Buyer will be immediately informed of this fact, being able to choose to refund the price paid or proceed with the purchase for the correct price that will be informed.

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