Shipping and Payments


1. Shipment of orders for Marketplace products is the responsibility of the Seller. Each seller chooses the shipping methods he wants to make available, as well as the cost of delivery and the geographic areas to which he ships.

2. Shipments to Mainland Portugal and the Azores and Madeira Islands are guaranteed by all suppliers, however, we have suppliers who ship to Europe, namely Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Poland, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland. For deliveries to other countries, please contact us.

3. You can check shipping methods, cost and estimated delivery time on the product page, at checkout or by contacting the seller.

4. The estimated delivery time for a product, by shipping method, is available on the respective product page. This may vary depending on the type of product and Vendor.

Price and Payments

1. The price of each Article is determined by the Seller and must be indicated in euros with all taxes and fees included in the description sheet, but excluding delivery costs, which must be presented in a separate item.

2. Payment for the purchase(s) made at Petiscos&Companhia is made through one of the following methods:

2.1 Using a legally authorized Payment Institution, whose presence in the market and performance will always be within the rules of the Legal Regime of Payment Services and Electronic Money and others that are or may be applicable.

2.2 Payments are currently available via debit and credit card, MB Way and Multibanco.

3. Payment for purchases is made at the time of ordering.

4. In case of unfeasibility of the order, the price already paid is refunded to the Buyer.

5. In the case of partial continuation of the order, the price already paid for the Items that are unavailable will be refunded to the Buyer.

6. There will also be a refund of the price already paid in cases where the order is the subject of a claim for non-compliance with the description of the Article(s) on the website, or for damage to the Article(s).

7. A refund of the price for damage to the Article(s) will only be accepted if the damage is verified at the time of delivery and the order is rejected at the same time by the Buyer. The Buyer therefore has the burden of checking the good condition of the order at the time of its delivery, being responsible for registering the defect pointed out in writing in the relevant document.

8. Likewise, there will be a refund of the price in the event of exercising the right of free withdrawal exercised within fourteen days of receipt of the Article(s) under the legal terms. In this case, it must be specified that the Buyer is reimbursed only for the price of the Article(s) and shipping costs. The costs of returning the Article(s) are at the expense of the buyer.

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