Ecological Detergents

The use of ecological detergents is a simple and practical way to contribute to the preservation of the environment.

Nowadays, it is more and more common to hear about ecological and sustainable products. And detergents are no exception! The use of ecological detergents is a simple and practical way to contribute to the preservation of the environment, without compromising cleaning efficiency.

But after all, what are ecological detergents?

These are cleaning products that use natural and renewable ingredients in their composition, avoiding the use of chemical substances that are harmful to the environment and human health. 

In addition, they are produced sustainably, without negatively impacting nature.

Among the benefits of ecological detergents, we can highlight:

  • Reduction of environmental impact: by using ecological detergents, we reduce the amount of chemical products released into the environment, reducing the pollution of rivers, lakes and oceans.
  • Human health: ecological detergents do not use aggressive chemicals, such as petroleum derivatives, which can cause irritation and allergies to the skin and eyes.
  • Water saving: many of the ecological detergents are biodegradable, which means that they do not pollute the water and can be used in water reuse systems.
  • Cleaning efficiency: eco-friendly detergents are just as efficient as conventional detergents, being able to remove dirt and stains with ease.

Some brands already offer ecological cleaning products, with formulas that combine natural ingredients and technology to ensure cleaning efficiency.
Detergents with Ecolabel certification meet strict environmental criteria. This certification considers environmental requirements that are transversal to the entire life cycle of the product, from the extraction of the raw material to its end of life. The objective of this eco-label is to promote the circular economy and reduce the ecological impact, guaranteeing its environmental efficiency.

Try using eco-friendly detergents in your cleaning routine. Saves money and saves the environment.

# Tips

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