Trick or treat?

Halloween recipes

This Halloween, surprise the family with simple recipes and have fun preparing a themed snack that will appeal to kids and adults alike.
Simple but creepy. Happy Halloween!

Mummy sausages


1 roll of puff pastry
10 sausages
Sauce (mustard, ketchup,...) (for the eyes)


1- Cut the puff pastry into thin strips approximately 1 cm wide. Roll up the sausages with the strips, but leave a wide space at the top to use as a head later.

2 - Place the sausages in the oven at 200º for 10 minutes until golden. Let it cool.

3 – Use the sauce (mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup...) to decorate the head and outline some eyes or mouth.

Creepy eggs


5 eggs
1 can of tuna
5 black olives (pitted and stuffed)


1 – Boil the eggs, peel and cut in half. Remove the yolks to a bowl and reserve the egg halves.

2 – With the help of a fork, mix the yolks with the mayonnaise and the tuna until you make a homogeneous paste and fill the halves of the eggs again with the help of a spoon.

3- Use the olives to make spiders and decorate the open part of the eggs. Cut the olives in half, use one of the olive halves to make the spider's body and cut the other half into thinner strips (6 or 8 strips) to make the spider's legs.

4 – Compose the spider over the egg stuffing and it can serve!

Halloween cookies


300 g unbleached flour
150 g of sugar
150 g of butter
1 egg
Cooking chocolate and candied cherries to decorate
Themed cutters (ghost, pumpkin, etc)


1 - Place the flour, sugar and egg in a bowl and knead well together with the previously softened butter.

2 - Flatten the dough into a disc (you can use a rolling pin, for example).

3 - Wrap the dough in cling film and keep it in the fridge for approximately 30 minutes.

4 - Preheat the oven to 200º.

5 - Remove the dough disc from the fridge, place it on parchment paper (or on a floured surface) and roll out the dough until it becomes thin.

6 - Use the themed cutters to cut the dough and shape your Halloween cookies.

7 - Place the cookies on a tray with a non-stick oven mat or parchment paper and bake for about 12 minutes or until they are slightly golden.

8 - Let it cool and decorate to taste, with melted chocolate or candied fruit.

Strategies for healthy eating