The importance of celebrating Women's Day
March 8th

International Women's Day is celebrated annually on March 8 and aims to remember women's struggle for equal rights and recognition in society. The date originates from demonstrations by working women who claimed better conditions of work and the right to vote, in the mid-twentieth century.

International Women's Day is celebrated annually on March 8. On March 8, 1857, a group of women working in the textile industry in New York organized a march to demand better working conditions. On March 8, 1908, a group of workers in New York decided to choose the same day to go ahead with a strike in which they demanded the end of child labor and the right to vote. In 1975, the United Nations established March 8 as International Women's Day.

Today, International Women's Day is seen as an opportunity to highlight the important role of women in society and history. It is a day to recognize the achievements of women in different areas, such as politics, science, art, education, sport and many others.

But Women's Day is also an opportunity to reflect on the inequalities and challenges that women still face in different parts of the world, such as gender-based violence, discrimination in the job market and lack of access to education and health.

To celebrate this very important day, many people choose to present the women in their lives with special memories and treats. It is a way of showing affection and recognition for the role that women play in their lives. At Petiscos & Companhia we have a selection of gifts that can please all women, from the most classic to the most modern. Our gift baskets include a variety of gourmet products such as wines, cheeses, chocolates, olive oils and other delicious snacks. These baskets are perfect to offer to mothers, wives, girlfriends, grandmothers, friends and all the special women in our lives. 

Regardless of the chosen gift, the most important thing is to show affection and recognition for the role of women in our lives. After all, without women, the world would be a much less colorful and vibrant place.

Remember, International Women's Day is an important date to celebrate women's achievements and reflect on inequalities and challenges that still need to be overcome. 

I am a beast, I am an animal, I am an angel and I am a woman
I'm my mother and my daughter, my sister, my girl
I'm my mother and my daughter, my sister, my girl

Renato Russo

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