Terms and Conditions of Use

The domain of the Site is owned by FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA., NIPC 509985769, headquartered at Sítio do Meloal, Besouro, CP 632-A, Conceição de Faro 8005-421 Faro (there is no public service) which is responsible for its exploitation and operation management.

The use of the Site by third parties implies, from now on, the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use (“TCU”) by its Users.

1. Access to the Site

FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA., as owner of the Site, may, at any time, prohibit access to third parties, namely for repair or maintenance purposes. Additionally, it will be up to FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA., the right to close it at any time in the event of any circumstance that, in its opinion, justifies it.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

Belongs to FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. the copyright on all texts, designs, images, graphics and other content that are available on the Site.

Users are not authorized to reproduce, copy, change, sell or use these elements without previously obtaining the necessary authorization in writing from FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA.

The brand Petiscos & Cª is registered with the nº693340.

3. Privacy and processing of personal data

For the purposes of creating an account for Users of the Site, they will always be asked to indicate an e-mail contact and a password. It will be up to the User to keep this data in a safe place and change it if there are signs of misuse of the account by unauthorized third parties.

Likewise, if the data or personal information provided by Users undergo changes, it will be their responsibility to update those elements.

Without prejudice, the privacy of Site Users is a special concern for FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. In this sense, we have approved a Privacy Policy which defines the general principles applicable to the collection and processing of personal data, which we will strictly comply with.

Our Privacy Policy is complemented by our Cookie Policy.

4. Third Party Links

The Site may provide, via a hyperlink, access to third-party sites.

However, as such websites are not controlled or operated by FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA., the respective terms and conditions of use are not applicable to them. In this sense, FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. is not responsible for the content or content of the terms and conditions of use of third-party sites.

5. Amendments to the TCU

FACTOR TRIPLO, LDA. reserves the right to make the necessary changes to these TCU. Whenever this happens, they will be published on the Site, so it is advisable that Users of the Site consult it regularly.

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